Gamifying geopolitics: the concept behind World Order
Gamifying geopolitics: the concept behind World Order

We’ve covered a lot about World Order so far, including insights into its gameplay mechanics and thematic elements. For more detailed information, check out our previous articles here. Now, let’s dive deeper into how World Order brings the complex world of geopolitics to life through its design and gameplay.

In an increasingly interconnected world, the forces of geopolitics have never been more significant and so present in daily talks. World Order was inspired by the conviction that a captivating and interactive game could bridge the gap in understanding geopolitics. By letting players step into the roles of the world’s most powerful countries, it aims to make the complex world of international relations accessible and engaging for both casual gamers and strategy enthusiasts.

The foundation of World Order is rooted in the principles of Realism, the dominant theory in International Relations that emphasizes the competitive and conflictual nature of country-to-country politics. Realism posits that since the international system is anarchic, with no central authority to enforce rules or norm, states act primarily in their own self-interest, seeking to maximize their power and security. Like it or not, this theory has a point – and players will experience it first hand.

In World Order, players are tasked with navigating this anarchic world, balancing the pursuit of power with the need for security and prosperity. Each of the four playable powers embodies a distinct set of capabilities, challenges, and strategic imperatives that reflect their real-world counterparts. The game challenges players to think like real-world leaders, making decisions that will determine the rise or fall of their chosen power.

For instance, Russia’s role in the game reflects its real-world strategic imperatives. As a vast and historically insecure power, Russia’s gameplay emphasizes the need for territorial control and the creation of buffer zones. The game allows players to engage in actions such as energy diplomacy, military interventions, and cyber operations, mirroring Russia’s real-world strategies in asserting its influence over the post-soviet space and beyond.

The game’s focus on Russia’s energy resources also highlights the importance of natural resources in real-world international relations. All players, including Russia, must manage these resources effectively and can use them as tools of influence. The option to engage in hybrid warfare and alliances with like minded countries, such as Belarus and Syria, further reflects Russia’s modern approach to maintaining its influence over its near abroad and to simultaneously trying to expand it elsewhere.

The game’s conceptualization of the United States is equally precise, depicting it as the leading global power and the dominant military force. The US is represented as the preeminent global power and the dominant military force, beginning with greater influence compared to the other powers. This starting advantage reflects its leading role on the global stage and sets the stage for other players to challenge and counterbalance its supremacy. Players must navigate the global dominance of the US, balancing its immense military, diplomatic, and economic influence. At the same time, other players strive to challenge and counterbalance the US, aiming to shift the global power dynamics and achieve their own strategic objectives. Lastly, with the Western Hemisphere depicted as almost entirely out of reach to Russia and China, World Order mirrors the reality of the evergreen Monroe Doctrine.

China’s rise as a global power is one of the defining narratives of the 21st century, and World Order captures and integrates this world-changing phenomenon into its gameplay. The game portrays China as an economic power with strategic interests in both regional dominance and global influence. Players can engage in strategies that mirror the existing Belt and Road Initiative, expanding infrastructure and forging economic ties that extend China’s influence across Asia, Africa, and even Latin America.

China’s military modernization and its focus on the Asia-Pacific are also key elements of the game. Players must balance China’s need for internal prosperity with its absolute imperative to contrast the US containment efforts in the Western Pacific.

The European Union is represented exactly as it is in real life: an economic giant with a huge diplomatic appeal that struggles to maintain internal cohesion and to confront threats in the MENA and in the former USSR. The game reflects the EU’s real-world role as a global leader in trade, and multilateral diplomacy. Players can engage in strategies that emphasize economic integration, political cooperation, and close coordination with the US everywhere in the world.

At its core, World Order has been designed to be both an educational tool and an engaging strategy game, blending learning with entertainment for a truly edutaining experience. By incorporating real-world geopolitical concepts and multi-faceted challenges into the gameplay, World Order offers players a deeper understanding of the dynamics that shape International Relations. Furthermore, the decision to focus on Russia, China, the US, and the EU reflects the reality of a multipolar world where power is contested by many and the future is uncertain.

The game’s Realism is not just in its mechanics but in its reflection of the strategic calculations that define the actions of these great powers. Players are not just moving pieces on a board: they are called to make decisions that echo the real-world dilemmas faced by leaders in Beijing, Brussels, Moscow, and Washington. The overall result is that this blend of gaming, international politics, and geopolitics provides a unique and immersive experience that challenges players to think critically about the world around them.

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